Issue 68, 2019

The characterization of soybean germ oil and the antioxidative activity of its phytosterols


The aim of this study was to characterize the composition of soybean germ and its oil from Northeast (NE-SG) and Shandong Province (SD-SG) of China with a focus on the composition of fatty acids and phytosterols as well as physicochemical properties. The results show that the average contents of water, protein, crude fat, crude fiber and ash of NE-SG and SD-SG were 8.23 ± 0.11%, 40.47 ± 0.10%, 11.65 ± 0.14%, 6.20 ± 0.09% and 4.79 ± 0.14%, respectively. The major fatty acids of the two soybean germ oils were linoleic acid (NE-SGO, 55.45%; SD-SGO, 52.15%), alpha-linolenic acid (NE-SGO, 16.21%; SD-SGO, 18.50%), palmitic acid (NE-SGO, 12.59%; SD-SGO, 11.40%) and oleic acid (NE-SGO, 9.87%; SD-SGO, 10.96%). The soybean germs were rich in phytosterols (NE-SGO, 3168 mg/100 g oil; SD-SGO, 3010 mg/100 g oil) consisting of β-sitosterol, Δ7-stigmastenol, campesterol, stigmastanol, and citrostadienol. The antioxidant ability of soybean germ phytosterols was evaluated using DPPH˙ and OH˙ radical scavenging assays, β-carotene protection assay and a heating oil system. The results demonstrated that soybean germ phytosterols had better antioxidant ability in oil systems than in non-oil systems. The antioxidant ability of these phytosterols was temperature- and time-dependent since it was more effective at lower temperatures (60 °C) with longer times as compared to higher temperatures (120 °C and 180 °C) with shorter times. These results prove that soybean germ phytosterols could be used as antioxidants in preventing lipid oxidation in foods stored at a low temperature for a long time.

Graphical abstract: The characterization of soybean germ oil and the antioxidative activity of its phytosterols

Article information

Article type
25 Oct 2019
13 Nov 2019
First published
04 Dec 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 40109-40117

The characterization of soybean germ oil and the antioxidative activity of its phytosterols

J. Chen, G. Tang, J. Zhou, W. Liu and Y. Bi, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 40109 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA08771K

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