Issue 3, 2019

Pd-Catalyzed carboannulation of γ,δ-alkenyl oximes: efficient access to 5-membered cyclic nitrones and dihydroazines


We report that the Pd0-catalyzed carboannulation of γ,δ-alkenyl oximes with aryl and vinyl halides offers a straightforward entry path to 5-membered cyclic nitrones or 6-membered cyclic oxime ethers, wherein substrate conformation can result in divergent reactivity, a phenomenon that likely arises from a shift in the mechanistic paradigm. The title transformation features a catalyst-controlled bond formation event that holds promise for the enantioselective synthesis of these important heterocycles.

Graphical abstract: Pd-Catalyzed carboannulation of γ,δ-alkenyl oximes: efficient access to 5-membered cyclic nitrones and dihydroazines

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
07 Oct 2018
13 Dec 2018
First published
18 Dec 2018

Org. Chem. Front., 2019,6, 388-392

Pd-Catalyzed carboannulation of γ,δ-alkenyl oximes: efficient access to 5-membered cyclic nitrones and dihydroazines

B. Sun, S. Liu, M. Zhang, J. Zhao and Q. Zhang, Org. Chem. Front., 2019, 6, 388 DOI: 10.1039/C8QO01076E

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