Issue 25, 2019

Mechanistic insights into n-BuLi mediated phospha-Brook rearrangement


A plausible mechanism for n-BuLi mediated phospha-Brook rearrangement is proposed and substantiated with the help of 31P-NMR and Density Functional Theory (DFT) studies. Based on the 31P-NMR studies, the reaction is proposed to proceed through in situ formation of three lithiated intermediates, which were further supported by the geometry optimized transition states as obtained from DFT studies. Interestingly, DFT calculations revealed the crucial role of the Li-atom in stabilizing cyclic transition states, which in turn resulted in a highly efficient and catalytic phospha-Brook rearrangement even with non-reactive ketones. The calculated rate coefficients using transition state theory also matched well with the experimentally observed facts.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic insights into n-BuLi mediated phospha-Brook rearrangement

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Apr 2019
25 May 2019
First published
27 May 2019

New J. Chem., 2019,43, 9886-9890

Mechanistic insights into n-BuLi mediated phospha-Brook rearrangement

S. Ranga, M. Chakravarty, T. Chatterjee and S. Ghosal, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 9886 DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ01867K

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