Issue 4, 2019

Storing and releasing rhodamine as a model hydrophobic compound in polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic devices


Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a ubiquitous material used in soft lithography and microfluidics. Due to its hydrophobic nature, PDMS tends to absorb small hydrophobic molecules, and is seen as a major disadvantage of the material in pharmaceutical and cell culture studies. While there have been extensive reports of attempts to treat PDMS to limit or block this absorption, little attention has been given to using this property as a feature in microfluidic devices. In this work, we leverage the ability of PDMS to store hydrophobic molecules inside the PDMS matrix and release them over time in a sustained manner.

Graphical abstract: Storing and releasing rhodamine as a model hydrophobic compound in polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic devices

Article information

Article type
10 Jan 2019
21 Jan 2019
First published
22 Jan 2019

Lab Chip, 2019,19, 574-579

Storing and releasing rhodamine as a model hydrophobic compound in polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic devices

M. Adiraj Iyer and D. T. Eddington, Lab Chip, 2019, 19, 574 DOI: 10.1039/C9LC00039A

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