Issue 15, 2019

Ru-Catalyzed methanol homologation with CO2 and H2 in an ionic liquid


Synthesis of ethanol from cheap and renewable CO2 is of great importance, but is still a challenge. Because it involves CO2 hydrogenation with simultaneous C–C bond formation, and the synergy of two or more transition metals is usually required for catalyzing the reaction effectively. Moreover, higher temperature is needed to drive the reaction. In this work, we found that the monometallic Ru3(CO)12 catalyst could efficiently catalyze the synthesis of ethanol from CO2, methanol and H2 in the ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl), using LiCl and LiI as promoters. Ethanol could form at 120 °C, which is among the lowest temperatures reported to date. A detailed study indicated that ionic liquids play an important role in monometallic catalysis. High ethanol selectivity and activity were obtained under optimized conditions. In addition, the catalyst could be easily recycled and the TON of ethanol reached 180 after five cycles. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an ionic liquid has been used as a reaction medium to produce ethanol using CO2 and H2.

Graphical abstract: Ru-Catalyzed methanol homologation with CO2 and H2 in an ionic liquid

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Apr 2019
03 Jul 2019
First published
03 Jul 2019

Green Chem., 2019,21, 4152-4158

Ru-Catalyzed methanol homologation with CO2 and H2 in an ionic liquid

B. B. Asare Bediako, Q. Qian, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Shen, J. Shi, M. Cui, G. Yang, Z. Wang, S. Tong and B. Han, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 4152 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC01185D

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