Issue 43, 2019

Tb(HSO4)(SO4) – a green emitting hydrogensulfate sulfate with second harmonic generation response


Recently, sulfates have attracted attention as materials for non-linear optical applications. This compound class is extended by Tb(HSO4)(SO4), which is solvothermally synthesised from Tb4O7 and sulfuric acid. The compound crystallises in the non-centrosymmetric space group P21 (Z = 2, a = 665.03(5) pm, b = 659.41(5) pm, c = 680.24(5) pm, and β = 104.640(2)°) and is homeotypic with Ni2In. The terbium ions adopt the indium sites and the sulfate and hydrogen sulfate anions are situated on the nickel sites. The compound shows green luminescence based on f–f-transitions and the positions of the f–d-excitation bands reveal a weak coordination behaviour of the sulfate anions. Tb(HSO4)(SO4) exhibits a second harmonic generation response comparable to KH2PO4 (KDP). Furthermore, the material is characterised by electrostatic calculations, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis.

Graphical abstract: Tb(HSO4)(SO4) – a green emitting hydrogensulfate sulfate with second harmonic generation response

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Article information

Article type
23 Aug 2019
07 Oct 2019
First published
07 Oct 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 16377-16383

Tb(HSO4)(SO4) – a green emitting hydrogensulfate sulfate with second harmonic generation response

P. Netzsch, H. Bariss, L. Bayarjargal and H. A. Höppe, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 16377 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03436F

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