Issue 35, 2019

A novel peroxopolyoxoniobate incorporating mixed heteroatoms: [P2Se2Nb6(O2)6O22]8−


A novel hetero selenato–phosphato–peroxopolyoxoniobate with the formula Cs4H4[P2Se2Nb6(O2)6O22]·10H2O has been successfully isolated in an acidified aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution. The synthesized cluster represents the first example of a selenium-containing polyoxoniobate. Furthermore, the ESI-MS spectra show that the polyoxoanion structural unit [P2Se2Nb6(O2)6O22]8− remains intact in aqueous solution.

Graphical abstract: A novel peroxopolyoxoniobate incorporating mixed heteroatoms: [P2Se2Nb6(O2)6O22]8−

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2019
11 Aug 2019
First published
19 Aug 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 13135-13138

A novel peroxopolyoxoniobate incorporating mixed heteroatoms: [P2Se2Nb6(O2)6O22]8−

Z. Yang, Q. Mu, Z. Liang, P. Ma, J. Niu and J. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 13135 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT02860A

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