Issue 29, 2019

Stable suprachannels via a columnar cyclodimeric ensemble: exchange and matrix of various liquid guests in SCSC fashion


Self-assembly of ZnI2 with di(isoquinolin-5-yl)isophthalate (L) as a new bidentate N-donor gives rise to discrete crown-shaped M2L2 cyclodimers, 3.5CH3CN·0.7THF@[Zn2I4L2]. These metallacyclodimers are composed of a characteristically eclipsed molecular array, resulting in the formation of unusual 10.0 × 15.1 Å2 diameter suprachannels. The suprachannels adsorb/desorb various liquid molecules in a rigid manner, which enables scientists to solve the structures of various liquids. This columnar molecular ensemble is an efficient, tolerant, and reproducible suprachannel matrix for structural determination of general liquid compounds via easy single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SCSC) guest exchange without any desolvation process.

Graphical abstract: Stable suprachannels via a columnar cyclodimeric ensemble: exchange and matrix of various liquid guests in SCSC fashion

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Article information

Article type
07 Feb 2019
22 May 2019
First published
23 May 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 10927-10932

Stable suprachannels via a columnar cyclodimeric ensemble: exchange and matrix of various liquid guests in SCSC fashion

S. Hyun, L. Yang, D. Kim and O. Jung, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 10927 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT00572B

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