Important features of the potential energy surface of the methylamine plus O(1D) reaction†
This research presents an ab initio characterization of the potential energy surface for the methylamine plus 1D oxygen atom reaction, which may be relevant to interstellar chemistry. Geometries and harmonic vibrational frequencies were determined for all stationary points at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. The focal point method along with several additive corrections was used to obtain reliable CCSDT(Q)/CBS potential energy surface features. Extensive conformational analysis and intrinsic reaction coordinate computations were performed to ensure accurate chemical connectivity of the stationary points. Five minima were determined to be possible products of this reaction and three novel transition states were found that were previously unreported or mislabeled in the literature. The pathways we present can be used to guide further searches for NH2 containing species in the interstellar medium.