Issue 81, 2019

Surface functionalization of polyoxovanadium clusters: generation of highly soluble charge carriers for nonaqueous energy storage


Here, we demonstrate the effects of surface functionalization on a tunable series of nano-sized electron shuttles, toward improving their function in nonaqueous energy storage. The synthesis of a series of polyoxovanadium clusters featuring bridging ether functional groups is reported, revealing the influence of bridging “R” group identity on electrochemical stability in solution. Furthermore, the presence of bridging ether moeities yields enhanced solubility in acetonitrile (up to 1.2 M), highlighting synthetic strategies for the development of organofunctionalized polyoxometalate-derived charge carriers for nonaqueous, electrochemical energy storage.

Graphical abstract: Surface functionalization of polyoxovanadium clusters: generation of highly soluble charge carriers for nonaqueous energy storage

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
12 Jul 2019
18 Sep 2019
First published
18 Sep 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 12247-12250

Author version available

Surface functionalization of polyoxovanadium clusters: generation of highly soluble charge carriers for nonaqueous energy storage

L. E. VanGelder, H. D. Pratt, T. M. Anderson and E. M. Matson, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 12247 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC05380H

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