Issue 54, 2019

Iron-catalyzed oxidative functionalization of C(sp3)–H bonds under bromide-synergized mild conditions


An efficient oxidation and functionalization of C–H bonds with an inorganic-ligand supported iron catalyst and hydrogen peroxide to prepare the corresponding ketones was achieved using the bromide ion as a promoter. Preliminary mechanistic investigations indicated that the bromide ion can bind to FeMo6 to form a supramolecular species (FeMo6·2Br), which can effectively catalyze the reaction.

Graphical abstract: Iron-catalyzed oxidative functionalization of C(sp3)–H bonds under bromide-synergized mild conditions

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Article information

Article type
21 May 2019
11 Jun 2019
First published
11 Jun 2019

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 7840-7843

Iron-catalyzed oxidative functionalization of C(sp3)–H bonds under bromide-synergized mild conditions

H. Yu, Q. Zhao, Z. Wei, Z. Wu, Q. Li, S. Han and Y. Wei, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 7840 DOI: 10.1039/C9CC03939B

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