Issue 25, 2018

Crystal-phase control of GaAs–GaAsSb core–shell/axial nanowire heterostructures by a two-step growth method


The growth of III–Sb nanowires with controlled wurtzite and zinc-blende structures is essential for tailoring their fundamental properties and in turn potential applications. However, most studies of III–Sb nanowires have shown that they adopt the zinc-blende structure, so that the growth of wurtzite structured III–Sb nanowires needs to be explored. In this study, both wurtzite and zinc-blende structured GaAs–GaAsSb core–shell nanowire heterostructures and axial heterostructures were grown by tuning the crystal structure of nanowire cores and varying the Sb flux. Our aberration-corrected electron microscopy investigations suggest that the nanowire shells maintained the same crystal structure as their nanowire cores. Besides, it was found that the axial–lateral GaAs–GaAaSb heterostructures were grown with increasing the Sb flux, due to the increased Sb supersaturation at the catalyst–nanowire interface. This study provides an avenue for growing III–Sb nanowires with desired crystal structures in order to secure different properties.

Graphical abstract: Crystal-phase control of GaAs–GaAsSb core–shell/axial nanowire heterostructures by a two-step growth method

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
02 Apr 2018
24 May 2018
First published
25 May 2018

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018,6, 6726-6732

Crystal-phase control of GaAs–GaAsSb core–shell/axial nanowire heterostructures by a two-step growth method

C. Zhou, K. Zheng, P. Chen, S. Matsumura, W. Lu and J. Zou, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 6726 DOI: 10.1039/C8TC01529E

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