Issue 46, 2018

Simultaneous regulation of electrical and thermal transport properties in MnTe chalcogenides via the incorporation of p-type Sb2Te3


It is reported that MnTe doped with p-type Sb2Te3 shows an encouraging thermoelectric performance at elevated temperatures as in MnTe + x at% Sb2Te3 samples (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) samples. After simultaneous introduction of holes, the Fermi level of MnTe shifts toward the valence band, which resulting the improved electrical performance. Whereas the dispersed Sb2Te3 nano-scale precipitates cooperates the deterioration of lattice thermal conductivities via phonon scattering centers, such as edge dislocations and large angle grain boundaries. Consequently, a maximum ZT of 1.2 at 873 K has been achieved for 1.5 at% Sb2Te3 doped MnTe sample which increases by 77% in comparison with the un-doped sample.

Graphical abstract: Simultaneous regulation of electrical and thermal transport properties in MnTe chalcogenides via the incorporation of p-type Sb2Te3

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Sep 2018
26 Oct 2018
First published
30 Oct 2018

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,6, 23473-23477

Simultaneous regulation of electrical and thermal transport properties in MnTe chalcogenides via the incorporation of p-type Sb2Te3

A. Basit, J. Yang, Q. Jiang, J. Xin, X. Li, S. Li, S. Li and Q. Long, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 23473 DOI: 10.1039/C8TA08830F

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