Issue 46, 2018

Influence of protein charge patches on the structure of protein–polyelectrolyte complexes


We employ a combination of the single chain in mean field simulation approach with the solution of Poisson's equation to study the influence of charge heterogeneities on the structure of protein–polyelectrolyte complexes. By adopting a coarse-grained model of representing proteins as charged nanoparticles, we studied the influence of the pattern of charge heterogeneities, net charge, ratio of positive to negative charges on the patches, and the volume fraction of the particles on the structural and aggregation characteristics of proteins in polyelectrolyte solutions. Our results demonstrate that the pattern of charge heterogeneities can exert a significant influence on the resulting characteristics of the aggregates, in some cases leading to a transformation from polymer-bridged complexes into direct particle aggregates driven by the attraction between oppositely charged patches.

Graphical abstract: Influence of protein charge patches on the structure of protein–polyelectrolyte complexes

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Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2018
29 Oct 2018
First published
15 Nov 2018

Soft Matter, 2018,14, 9475-9488

Author version available

Influence of protein charge patches on the structure of protein–polyelectrolyte complexes

R. Samanta and V. Ganesan, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 9475 DOI: 10.1039/C8SM01535J

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