Issue 2, 2018

Origin of unusual spinel-to-layered phase transformation by crystal water


It is well known that many layered transition metal oxides can transform into a spinel structure upon repeated battery cycling, but a phase transition in the opposite direction is rare. Recently, the transformation from spinel Mn3O4 to layered MnO2 was observed during the operation of a Mg battery in aqueous conditions, resulting in high performance Mg batteries. We hereby use ab initio calculations to unveil the mechanism by which crystal water plays a critical role in this unique transformation. Once inserted into the spinel form, a water molecule donates an electron, offering a key structural and thermodynamic driving force to initiate the transformation process. These crystal water molecules then get favorably clustered into a planar form in the layered structure and act as a stabilizing agent for birnessite. Kinetically, the inserted crystal water dramatically promotes the necessary rearrangement of Mn during the transition by lowering the activation barrier by >2 eV. The present structural, thermodynamic and kinetic understanding of the crystal water-driven phase transition provides novel insights to further the design of related low dimensional hydrated materials for multi-valent cathodes.

Graphical abstract: Origin of unusual spinel-to-layered phase transformation by crystal water

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Article type
Edge Article
20 Sep 2017
24 Oct 2017
First published
24 Oct 2017
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2018,9, 433-438

Origin of unusual spinel-to-layered phase transformation by crystal water

E. Yang, H. Kim, S. Kim, I. Kim, J. Kim, H. Ji, J. W. Choi and Y. Jung, Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 433 DOI: 10.1039/C7SC04114D

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