Issue 24, 2018

High-yield paper-based quantitative blood separation system


Interest in developing paper-based devices for point-of-care diagnostics in resource-limited settings has risen remarkably in recent decades. In this paper, we demonstrate what we refer to as “high yield passive rrythrocyte removal” (HYPER) technology, which utilizes capillary forces in a unique cross-flow filtration for the separation of whole blood with performance comparable to centrifuges. As we will demonstrate, state-of-the-art passive blood separation methods implemented in paper-based systems exhibit rapid blood cell clogging on the filtration media or serum outlet and yield only about 10–30% of the total serum present in the sample. Our innovation results from the inclusion of a differentiation pad, which exploits hydrodynamic effects to reduce the formation of a fouling layer on the blood filtration membrane resulting in more than 60% serum yield with undiluted whole blood as direct input. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the HYPER technology we implement it in a lateral flow system and demonstrate the accurate quantification of vitamin A and iron levels in whole blood samples in 15 minutes.

Graphical abstract: High-yield paper-based quantitative blood separation system

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Jul 2018
03 Nov 2018
First published
13 Nov 2018

Lab Chip, 2018,18, 3865-3871

Author version available

High-yield paper-based quantitative blood separation system

Z. Lu, E. Rey, S. Vemulapati, B. Srinivasan, S. Mehta and D. Erickson, Lab Chip, 2018, 18, 3865 DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00717A

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