Issue 14, 2018

Mesoporous cobalt/manganese oxide: a highly selective bifunctional catalyst for amine–imine transformations


Herein, we discuss a heterogeneous catalytic protocol using cobalt doped mesoporous manganese oxide for amine–alcohol cross-coupling to selectively produce symmetric or asymmetric imines. Thorough investigations on the surface chemistry and physical properties of the material revealed its outstanding oxidation–reduction properties and reaction mechanism which was supported by quantum mechanical calculations done by using density functional theory (DFT).

Graphical abstract: Mesoporous cobalt/manganese oxide: a highly selective bifunctional catalyst for amine–imine transformations

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Article information

Article type
17 Mar 2018
06 Jun 2018
First published
07 Jun 2018

Green Chem., 2018,20, 3180-3185

Author version available

Mesoporous cobalt/manganese oxide: a highly selective bifunctional catalyst for amine–imine transformations

B. Dutta, S. March, L. Achola, S. Sahoo, J. He, A. Shirazi Amin, Y. Wu, S. Poges, S. Pamir Alpay and S. L. Suib, Green Chem., 2018, 20, 3180 DOI: 10.1039/C8GC00862K

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