Issue 37, 2018

High-nuclearity silver ethynide clusters containing polynucleating oxygen donor ligands


Polynucleating oxygen donor ligands as precursors have been employed to construct three high-nuclearity heterometallic ethynide clusters. Compound 2 consists of a Cl@Ag12 ethynide cluster capped by two trinuclear organooxotin phosphonate clusters [(nBuSn)33-O)(tBuPO3)3(OMe)(OH)2]2−. Compound 3 consists of a Ag8 ethynide cluster fused with a nonanuclear oxo-bismuth phosphonate cluster [Bi9O6(tBuPO3)9(tBuPO3H)]4−, while compound 4 is composed of two Cl@Ag15 ethynide clusters bridged by a hexanuclear oxo/hydroxo-bismuth phosphonate cluster [Bi6O4(OH)4(tBuPO3)6(hfac)2(CF3COO)2]10−.

Graphical abstract: High-nuclearity silver ethynide clusters containing polynucleating oxygen donor ligands

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Article information

Article type
03 Jul 2018
22 Aug 2018
First published
23 Aug 2018

Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 12972-12978

High-nuclearity silver ethynide clusters containing polynucleating oxygen donor ligands

J. Jin, Y. Xie and X. Lu, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 12972 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT02700E

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