Issue 17, 2018

Low-temperature, highly selective, highly stable Nb2O5–NiO/Ni-foam catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane


A Nb2O5–NiO/Ni-foam catalyst engineered from nano- to macro-scale is developed by hydrothermal growth of NiC2O4 onto a Ni-foam and subsequent (niobium ammonium oxalate)-modification and calcination, which is highly active/selective and stable for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene. External and partial coverage of the NiC2O4-derived NiO nanorods with Nb2O5 lumps, coupled with a foam-structure enhanced heat transfer, is paramount for high-efficiency ethylene production.

Graphical abstract: Low-temperature, highly selective, highly stable Nb2O5–NiO/Ni-foam catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane

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Article information

Article type
25 May 2018
26 Jul 2018
First published
27 Jul 2018

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018,8, 4383-4389

Low-temperature, highly selective, highly stable Nb2O5–NiO/Ni-foam catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane

Z. Zhang, G. Zhao, R. Chai, J. Zhu, Y. Liu and Y. Lu, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018, 8, 4383 DOI: 10.1039/C8CY01041B

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