Issue 8, 2018

Modulating the properties of multi-functional molecular devices consisting of zigzag gallium nitride nanoribbons by different magnetic orderings: a first-principles study


Using the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism in combination with density functional theory, we calculated the spin-dependent electronic properties of molecular devices consisting of pristine and hydrogen-terminated zigzag gallium nitride nanoribbons (ZGaNNRs). Computational results show that the proposed ZGaNNR models display multiple functions with perfect spin filtering, rectification, and a spin negative differential resistance (sNDR) effect. Spin-dependent transport properties, spin density and transmission pathways with applied bias values were calculated to understand the spin filter and the sNDR effect. The spin filtering efficiency can be up to −100% or 100% within a large range of biases, and a dual spin filtering effect can also be found in these model devices. The highest rectification ratio reaches 4.9 × 109 in spin-down current of ZGaNNRs with only the passivated nitrogen edge, and only ZGaNNRs with the passivated gallium edge exhibit an obvious sNDR behavior with the largest peak to valley current ratio of 1.25 × 107. The proposed hydrogenated ZGaNNRs can be preferred materials for realizing oscillators, memory circuits and fast switching applications.

Graphical abstract: Modulating the properties of multi-functional molecular devices consisting of zigzag gallium nitride nanoribbons by different magnetic orderings: a first-principles study

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Article information

Article type
05 Nov 2017
22 Jan 2018
First published
25 Jan 2018

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 5726-5733

Modulating the properties of multi-functional molecular devices consisting of zigzag gallium nitride nanoribbons by different magnetic orderings: a first-principles study

T. Chen, C. Guo, L. Xu, Q. Li, K. Luo, D. Liu, L. Wang and M. Long, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 5726 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP07467K

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