Issue 94, 2018

Versatile heteroleptic bis-terdentate Cr(iii) chromophores displaying room temperature millisecond excited state lifetimes


Substitution of Ru(II)-based chromophores with cheaper Cr(III)-based complexes in optically active metallo-supramolecular architectures is limited by the lack of synthetic strategies leading to heteroleptic Cr(III)-polypyridyl complexes with long excited-state lifetimes. Herein, we report on a versatile method yielding heteroleptic bis(terdentate) Cr(III) complexes with room temperature millisecond range excited-state lifetimes, tuneable electronic and photophysical properties and easy anchoring possibilities.

Graphical abstract: Versatile heteroleptic bis-terdentate Cr(iii) chromophores displaying room temperature millisecond excited state lifetimes

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Article information

Article type
24 Sep 2018
02 Nov 2018
First published
02 Nov 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 13228-13231

Versatile heteroleptic bis-terdentate Cr(III) chromophores displaying room temperature millisecond excited state lifetimes

J. Jiménez, B. Doistau, C. Besnard and C. Piguet, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 13228 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC07671E

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