Issue 39, 2018

Ion mobility and gas phase H/D exchange: revealing the importance of a single hydrogen bond for the chiral recognition of crown ether ammonium complexes


Two new BINOL-based chiral crown ether/ammonium complexes are studied by travelling-wave ion-mobility spectrometry. Homo- and heterochiral crown ether/ammonium complexes differ in their collision cross sections, and these differences go along with changes in hydrogen bonding as revealed by gas phase H/D-exchange experiments. Applications for the determination of enantiomeric excess are discussed.

Graphical abstract: Ion mobility and gas phase H/D exchange: revealing the importance of a single hydrogen bond for the chiral recognition of crown ether ammonium complexes

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Article information

Article type
28 Feb 2018
23 Apr 2018
First published
23 Apr 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 4967-4970

Ion mobility and gas phase H/D exchange: revealing the importance of a single hydrogen bond for the chiral recognition of crown ether ammonium complexes

J. M. Wollschläger, K. Simon, M. Gaedke and C. A. Schalley, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 4967 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC01671B

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