Issue 5, 2017, Issue in Progress

A wearable piezoelectric bending motion sensor for simultaneous detection of bending curvature and speed


For simultaneous detection of bending curvature and speed, a wearable bending motion sensor was developed by measuring the output voltage signals. A discrepancy in the piezoelectric output voltages was effectively sensed as a function of bending curvature and speed for recognition of bending motions of the piezoelectric element. This simultaneously bending curvature and speed detectable flexible bending motion sensor is superior compared to other piezoelectric sensors which demonstrated a difference in piezoelectric output signals as a function of only bending curvature. For the wearable platform of the device, elastic ZnO NR–PDMS and Ag NW–SWCNT were utilized as active and electrode materials. This wearable and flexible piezoelectric bending motion sensor is expected to be applied toward the realization of artificial skin motion detectors.

Graphical abstract: A wearable piezoelectric bending motion sensor for simultaneous detection of bending curvature and speed

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Article information

Article type
25 Oct 2016
02 Dec 2016
First published
12 Jan 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 2520-2526

A wearable piezoelectric bending motion sensor for simultaneous detection of bending curvature and speed

S. Y. Chung, H. Lee, T. I. Lee and Y. S. Kim, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 2520 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA25797F

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