Issue 22, 2017

High contrast stimuli-responsive luminescence switching of pyrene-1-carboxylic esters triggered by a crystal-to-crystal transition


Unexpected high contrast mechanochromic, thermochromic and vaporchromic luminescence has been achieved through a simple introduction of an ester group to a pyrene skeleton and a series of stimuli-responsive materials based on pyrene-1-carboxylic esters were efficiently developed. The mechanistic investigation of stimuli-responsive luminescence indicates that the emission change might be ascribed to a reversible crystal-to-crystal transition. Furthermore, the electron-withdrawing effect of the ester groups to suppress the π–π interaction of the pyrene rings might be the key factor to trigger the promising stimuli-responsive luminescence.

Graphical abstract: High contrast stimuli-responsive luminescence switching of pyrene-1-carboxylic esters triggered by a crystal-to-crystal transition

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Article information

Article type
14 Aug 2017
03 Oct 2017
First published
03 Oct 2017

New J. Chem., 2017,41, 13784-13791

High contrast stimuli-responsive luminescence switching of pyrene-1-carboxylic esters triggered by a crystal-to-crystal transition

Q. Kong, W. Zhuang, G. Li, Y. Xu, Q. Jiang and Y. Wang, New J. Chem., 2017, 41, 13784 DOI: 10.1039/C7NJ03014B

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