Issue 41, 2017

Large irradiation doses can improve the fast neutron/gamma discriminating capability of plastic scintillators


When new materials appear as potential alternatives for radiation detection, several criteria have to be fulfilled. The one presented herein is the response variation to large irradiation doses of neutron/gamma discriminating plastic scintillators. Thus, several samples were exposed to high gamma doses reaching 10 kGy. They were characterized in terms of gamma spectrometry and fast neutron/gamma discrimination, prior to and after irradiation. Results show an unexpected increase of the figure of merit (FoM), which is the numerical value for n/γ discrimination performances. An in-depth investigation evaluates the physicochemical impact of such large doses within the material. The characterization includes photophysics, radiation/matter interaction and chemical analyses (EPR, 1H NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy and HRMS).

Graphical abstract: Large irradiation doses can improve the fast neutron/gamma discriminating capability of plastic scintillators

Article information

Article type
15 Jun 2017
26 Sep 2017
First published
11 Oct 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 28105-28115

Large irradiation doses can improve the fast neutron/gamma discriminating capability of plastic scintillators

E. Montbarbon, M. Amiot, D. Tromson, S. Gaillard, C. Frangville, R. Woo, G. H. V. Bertrand, R. B. Pansu, J. Renaud and M. Hamel, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 28105 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP04034B

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