Issue 12, 2017

Magnetic trapping of SH radicals


Magnetic trapping of SH radicals, produced via the photostop technique, has been demonstrated. H2S in a skimmed, supersonic molecular beam was photodissociated at 212.8 nm to produce SH inside a 330 mK deep static magnetic trap. The molecular-beam speed was controlled by the mixing ratio of H2S in Kr to match the recoil velocity of the SH photofragments such that some SH radicals were produced with near-zero laboratory-frame velocity. The density of SH radicals in the 2Π3/2, v = 0, J = 3/2 state was followed by (2 + 1) REMPI over seven orders of magnitude of signal intensity. 5 ms after photodissociation, SH radicals moving faster than the capture velocity of 13 m s−1 had left the trap. The 1/e trap lifetime of the remaining SH radicals was 40 ± 10 ms at an estimated density of 5 × 104 molecules per cm3. Photostop offers a simple and direct way to accumulate absolute ground state molecules in a variety of traps.

Graphical abstract: Magnetic trapping of SH radicals

Article information

Article type
20 Jan 2017
02 Mar 2017
First published
02 Mar 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 8423-8427

Magnetic trapping of SH radicals

J. S. Eardley, N. Warner, L. Z. Deng, D. Carty and E. Wrede, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 8423 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP00458C

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