Issue 13, 2016

Modulation of thulium upconversion in potassium tetraphosphate (KLaP4O12) nanocrystals by co-doping with Yb3+ ions


The influence of sensitizer concentration on the up-conversion properties of KLa0.99−xTm0.01YbxP4O12 nanocrystals was investigated in a wide range of Yb3+ concentrations (x = 0.05–0.5). This impact was manifested by Yb3+ concentration dependent variation of up-conversion emission spectra, blue to NIR emission ratio variation, luminescence decay times as well as on the order of upconversion processes. The observed processes of energy transfer between Yb3+ and Tm3+ were discussed in terms of reduction of the average distance between dopants, Tm3+ → Yb3+ back energy transfer and energy migration to surface quenchers over a Yb3+ sublattice.

Graphical abstract: Modulation of thulium upconversion in potassium tetraphosphate (KLaP4O12) nanocrystals by co-doping with Yb3+ ions

Article information

Article type
29 Sep 2015
03 Mar 2016
First published
04 Mar 2016

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016,4, 2513-2517

Modulation of thulium upconversion in potassium tetraphosphate (KLaP4O12) nanocrystals by co-doping with Yb3+ ions

L. Marciniak, A. Bednarkiewicz, M. Stefanski, R. Tomala, D. Hreniak and W. Strek, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 2513 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC03102H

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