Issue 24, 2016

Magnetic cylindrical colloids at liquid interfaces exhibit non-volatile switching of their orientation in an external field


We study the orientation of magnetic cylindrical particles adsorbed at a liquid interface in an external field using analytical theory and high resolution finite element simulations. Cylindrical particles are interesting since they possess multiple locally stable orientations at the liquid interface so that the orientational transitions induced by an external field will not disappear when the external field is removed, i.e., the switching effect is non-volatile. We show that, in the absence of an external field, as we reduce the aspect ratio α of the cylinders below a critical value (αc ≈ 2) the particles undergo spontaneous symmetry breaking from a stable side-on state to one of two equivalent stable tilted states, similar to the spontaneous magnetisation of a ferromagnet going through the Curie point. By tuning both the aspect ratio and contact angle of the cylinders, we show that it is possible to engineer particles that have one, two, three or four locally stable orientations. We also find that the magnetic responses of cylinders with one or two stable states are similar to that of paramagnets and ferromagnets respectively, while the magnetic response of systems with three or four stable states are even more complex and have no analogs in simple magnetic systems. Magnetic cylinders at liquid interfaces therefore provide a facile method for creating switchable functional monolayers where we can use an external field to induce multiple non-volatile changes in particle orientation and self-assembled structure.

Graphical abstract: Magnetic cylindrical colloids at liquid interfaces exhibit non-volatile switching of their orientation in an external field

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Article information

Article type
18 Jan 2016
13 May 2016
First published
16 May 2016

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 5285-5296

Author version available

Magnetic cylindrical colloids at liquid interfaces exhibit non-volatile switching of their orientation in an external field

B. J. Newton and D. M. A. Buzza, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 5285 DOI: 10.1039/C6SM00136J

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