Issue 82, 2016

Facile access to 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines: magnesium perchlorate-mediated reaction of [60]fullerene with arylmethylamines and aryl aldehydes


The facile one-step reaction of [60]fullerene with arylmethanamines and aryl aldehydes in the presence of magnesium perchlorate under air conditions generated a series of scarce 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines in good to excellent yields. Intriguingly, all the formed 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines were confirmed only as cis isomers and thus displayed high stereoselectivity. In addition, the type of aryl aldehyde was found to have a great correlation with the formation of different 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines. Aryl aldehydes without electron-withdrawing groups always afforded exclusively the desired 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines, while aryl aldehydes connecting electron-withdrawing groups unexpectedly produced symmetrical 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines besides the anticipated fulleropyrrolidines. A plausible formation mechanism for the 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines was proposed.

Graphical abstract: Facile access to 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines: magnesium perchlorate-mediated reaction of [60]fullerene with arylmethylamines and aryl aldehydes

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Article information

Article type
21 Jun 2016
15 Aug 2016
First published
15 Aug 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 79095-79105

Facile access to 2,5-diaryl fulleropyrrolidines: magnesium perchlorate-mediated reaction of [60]fullerene with arylmethylamines and aryl aldehydes

H. Zhang, H. Wang, F. Li, C. Liu, X. Zhang, L. Liu and C. Liu, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 79095 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA16041G

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