Issue 12, 2016

Deep adsorption desulfurization of liquid petroleum gas by copper-modified bentonite


The removal of sulfur compounds from liquid petroleum gas (LPG) was investigated using a fixed-bed flow sorption system. Copper-modified bentonite adsorbents significantly enhanced the desulfurization of LPG. Several factors that influence desulfurization, including the copper loading, the baking temperature, the valence state and the type of anion used, were investigated. The adsorbents were characterized by nitrogen adsorption, X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry, thermogravimetric analysis, Raman spectrometry and FTIR spectrometry. Optimum desulfurization with Cu(II)-modified bentonite adsorbents was obtained at a loading of 15 wt% Cu2+ and a calcination temperature of 150 °C. The Cu(I)-modified bentonite adsorbents were shown to be better than the Cu(II)-modified bentonite adsorbents in removing sulfur compounds from LPG; the anion used had no significant influence on the desulfurization ability of the Cu(II)-modified bentonite adsorbents. FTIR analyses showed that the surface Lewis acid sites contributed to the desulfurization process. The sulfur compounds were adsorbed over Cu(I)- and Cu(II)-modified bentonite by a direct sulfur–adsorbent interaction.

Graphical abstract: Deep adsorption desulfurization of liquid petroleum gas by copper-modified bentonite

Article information

Article type
18 Oct 2015
23 Dec 2015
First published
04 Jan 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 9589-9597

Author version available

Deep adsorption desulfurization of liquid petroleum gas by copper-modified bentonite

Q. Zhang, L. Shi and X. Meng, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 9589 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA21729F

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