Issue 45, 2016

Strain-induced effects in the electronic and spin properties of a monolayer of ferromagnetic GdAg2


We report on the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of a monolayer of GdAg2, forming a moiré pattern on Ag(111). Combining scanning tunneling microscopy and ab initio spin-polarized calculations, we show that the electronic band structure can be shifted linearly via thermal controlled strain of the intra-layer atomic distance in the range of 1–7%, leading to lateral hetero-structuring. Furthermore, the coupling of the incommensurable GdAg2 alloy layer to the Ag(111) substrate leads to spatially varying atomic relaxation causing subsurface layer buckling, texturing of the electronic and spin properties, and inhomogeneity of the magnetic anisotropy energy across the layer. These results provide perspectives for control of electronic properties and magnetic ordering in atomically-thin layers.

Graphical abstract: Strain-induced effects in the electronic and spin properties of a monolayer of ferromagnetic GdAg2

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Article information

Article type
12 Aug 2016
01 Nov 2016
First published
02 Nov 2016
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 19148-19153

Strain-induced effects in the electronic and spin properties of a monolayer of ferromagnetic GdAg2

A. Correa, B. Xu, M. J. Verstraete and L. Vitali, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 19148 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR06398E

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