Issue 22, 2016

Far-field optical nanothermometry using individual sub-50 nm upconverting nanoparticles


We demonstrate far-field optical thermometry using individual NaYF4 nanoparticles doped with 2% Er3+ and 20% Yb3+. Isolated 20 × 20 × 40 nm3 particles were identified using only far-field optical imaging, confirmed by subsequent scanning electron microscopy. The luminescence thermometry response for five such single particles was characterized for temperatures from 300 K to 400 K. A standard Arrhenius model widely used for larger particles can still be accurately applied to these sub-50 nm particles, with good particle-to-particle uniformity (response coefficients exhibited standard deviations below 5%). With its spatial resolution on the order of 50 nm when imaging a single particle, far below the diffraction limit, this technique has potential applications for both fundamental thermal measurements and nanoscale metrology in industrial applications.

Graphical abstract: Far-field optical nanothermometry using individual sub-50 nm upconverting nanoparticles

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Article information

Article type
22 Feb 2016
19 May 2016
First published
24 May 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 11611-11616

Far-field optical nanothermometry using individual sub-50 nm upconverting nanoparticles

J. D. Kilbane, E. M. Chan, C. Monachon, N. J. Borys, E. S. Levy, A. D. Pickel, J. J. Urban, P. J. Schuck and C. Dames, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11611 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR01479H

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