Issue 16, 2016

Single nanowire on graphene (SNOG) as an efficient, reproducible, and stable SERS-active platform


Developing a well-defined nanostructure that can provide strong, reproducible, and stable SERS signals is quite important for the practical application of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensors. We report here a novel single nanowire (NW) on graphene (SNOG) structure as an efficient, reproducible, and stable SERS-active platform. Au NWs having a well-defined single-crystal geometry on a monolayer graphene-coated metal film can form a well-defined, continuous nanogap structure that provides extremely reproducible and stable SERS signals. The in-NW reproducibility was verified by 2-dimensional Raman mapping, and the NW-to-NW reproducibility was verified by the cumulative curves of 32 SERS spectra. The simulation also indicated that a highly regular, line-shaped hot spot formed between the Au NW and graphene. Furthermore, SNOG platforms showed improved photostability and long-term oxidation immunity. We anticipate that SNOG platforms will be appropriate for practical biological and chemical sensor applications that demand reproducible, stable, and strong signal production.

Graphical abstract: Single nanowire on graphene (SNOG) as an efficient, reproducible, and stable SERS-active platform

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 Jan 2016
28 Mar 2016
First published
30 Mar 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 8878-8886

Single nanowire on graphene (SNOG) as an efficient, reproducible, and stable SERS-active platform

H. Kim, M. Seol, D. Lee, J. Lee, I. Kang, H. Lee, T. Kang, Y. Choi and B. Kim, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 8878 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR00092D

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