Issue 10, 2016

Highly integrated CO2 capture and conversion: direct synthesis of cyclic carbonates from industrial flue gas


Robust and selective catalytic systems based on early transition metal halides (Y, Sc, Zr) and organic nucleophiles were found able to quantitatively capture CO2 from diluted streams via formation of hemicarbonate species and to convert it to cyclic organic carbonates under ambient conditions. This observation was exploited in the direct and selective chemical fixation of flue gas CO2 collected from an industrial exhaust, affording high degrees of CO2 capture and conversion.

Graphical abstract: Highly integrated CO2 capture and conversion: direct synthesis of cyclic carbonates from industrial flue gas

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Article information

Article type
17 Dec 2015
05 Feb 2016
First published
08 Feb 2016

Green Chem., 2016,18, 3116-3123

Highly integrated CO2 capture and conversion: direct synthesis of cyclic carbonates from industrial flue gas

A. Barthel, Y. Saih, M. Gimenez, J. D. A. Pelletier, F. E. Kühn, V. D'Elia and J. Basset, Green Chem., 2016, 18, 3116 DOI: 10.1039/C5GC03007B

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