Issue 11, 2016

Molecular mechanisms of the anti-obesity effect of bioactive compounds in tea and coffee


Obesity is a serious health problem in adults and children worldwide. However, the basic strategies for the management of obesity (diet, exercise, drugs and surgery) have limitations and side effects. Therefore, many researchers have sought to identify bioactive components in food. Tea and coffee are the most frequently consumed beverages in the whole world. Their health benefits have been studied for decades, especially those of green tea. The anti-obesity effect of tea and coffee has been studied for at least ten years. The results have shown decreased lipid accumulation in cells via the regulation of the cell cycle during adipogenesis, changes in transcription factors and lipogenesis-related proteins in the adipose tissue of animal models, and decreased body weight and visceral fat in humans. Tea and coffee also influence the gut microbiota in obese animals and humans. Although the anti-obesity mechanism of tea and coffee still needs further clarification, they may have potential as a new strategy to prevent or treat obesity.

Graphical abstract: Molecular mechanisms of the anti-obesity effect of bioactive compounds in tea and coffee

Article information

Article type
Review Article
05 Aug 2016
23 Sep 2016
First published
26 Sep 2016

Food Funct., 2016,7, 4481-4491

Molecular mechanisms of the anti-obesity effect of bioactive compounds in tea and coffee

M. Pan, Y. Tung, G. Yang, S. Li and C. Ho, Food Funct., 2016, 7, 4481 DOI: 10.1039/C6FO01168C

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