The synthesis, structure and properties of a new lithium-rich manganese(ii) phosphate Li5CsMn(P2O7)2: a congruently melting compound with a ‘lithium hamburger’ structure†
The crystals of the title compound have been grown in molten salt media. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiment revealed that the compound crystallizes in an orthorhombic space group Pbcn (no. 60) with cell parameters: a = 5.1023(10) Å, b = 19.717(4) Å, c = 12.557(3) Å, and Z = 4. The structure of Li5CsMn(P2O7)2 consists of one-dimensional manganese pyrophosphate chains [MnP4O14]∞ interleaved with Cs+ and Li+ cations. A pseudo-two-dimensional layer [CsMnP4O14]∞ parallel to the ab plane is made up of [MnP4O14]∞ chains and Cs–O polyhedra through sharing the oxygen atoms. The three crystallographically distinct Li atoms are all located in the interlayered space to form a ‘lithium hamburger’ structure. Magnetic studies demonstrated that the compound shows paramagnetic behavior. DSC and XRD investigations revealed that the compound melts congruently. AC impedance studies show that the conductivity is 1.3 × 10−5 S cm−1 at 573 K and the activation energy is 0.42 eV. In addition, Li ion diffusional pathways were obtained using the bond valence map.