Issue 29, 2016

Consecutive introduction of Ag(i) to an anionic homoleptic Co(iii) complex: variable Ag(i) coordination mode


Although the pyridine-2,6-diamide ligand is widely reported, coordination chemistry of the analogous pyrazine-2,6-diamide ligand has not been reported to date. To study the complexation behavior, we have synthesized N,N′-dibenzylpyrazine-2,6-dicarboxamide and the heterometallic complexes were in a stepwise manner. After dimerisation with Co(III) complexation, two ring nitrogen atoms are freely available. These two free pyrazine nitrogen atoms were studied for their coordination with Ag(I), resulting in three heterometallic complexes, C40H34AgCoN8O5, C42H38Ag3CoN10O11 and C42H53AgCoN9O13. The mode of coordination could be controlled by varying the metal to ligand ratio and varying the counter anion. Moreover, we found conditions that make the ligand to either coordinate or not coordinate to Ag+. Some of these complexes also display the rare organometallic (C–Ag) bond.

Graphical abstract: Consecutive introduction of Ag(i) to an anionic homoleptic Co(iii) complex: variable Ag(i) coordination mode

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Article information

Article type
02 Feb 2016
01 Jun 2016
First published
01 Jun 2016

CrystEngComm, 2016,18, 5512-5518

Consecutive introduction of Ag(I) to an anionic homoleptic Co(III) complex: variable Ag(I) coordination mode

G. Teja Illa, P. Satha and C. S. Purohit, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5512 DOI: 10.1039/C6CE00276E

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