Issue 1, 2016

The endeavour to advance graphene–semiconductor composite-based photocatalysis


Graphene (GR)–semiconductor composite-based photocatalytic systems have received ever-increasing attention due to the attractive possibilities they provide to alleviate environmental and energy issues. Extensive endeavours have been made to construct high-performance GR–semiconductor composite photocatalysts for solar energy conversion. In this review, recent advances in developing strategies to assemble efficient GR–semiconductor composite photocatalysts are highlighted. These advances can be mainly classified into three aspects. The first is the optimization of individual components, including maximization of the functions of graphene and optimization of the photoactive semiconductors. The second is interface engineering between graphene and semiconductors. The third is the design and optimization of GR–semiconductor composite photocatalysts from a system-level consideration. Finally, it is proposed that combining these advances together with theoretical investigations will take us further along the road to advancing GR–semiconductor composite-based photocatalysis. Truly smart GR–semiconductor composite photocatalysts with robust structural and functional infrastructure are anticipated to be forthcoming.

Graphical abstract: The endeavour to advance graphene–semiconductor composite-based photocatalysis

Article information

Article type
26 Aug 2015
06 Nov 2015
First published
06 Nov 2015

CrystEngComm, 2016,18, 24-37

The endeavour to advance graphene–semiconductor composite-based photocatalysis

N. Zhang and Y. Xu, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 24 DOI: 10.1039/C5CE01712B

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