Issue 43, 2016

Dye-sensitized photocatalytic hydrogen production: distinct activity in a glucose derivative of a phenothiazine dye


A thiophene-based donor–acceptor phenothiazine dye has been functionalized with a peripheral glucose unit (PTZ-GLU) to bust its affinity to water and enhance dye-sensitized photogeneration of hydrogen. Compared to the corresponding alkyl derivative (PTZ-ALK), as well as the common hydrophilic triethylene glycol substitution (PTZ-TEG), the sugar derivative shows a lower contact angle; PTZ-GLU performed twice more efficient than PTZ-TEG in the photogeneration of hydrogen in terms of evolved gas and turnover number.

Graphical abstract: Dye-sensitized photocatalytic hydrogen production: distinct activity in a glucose derivative of a phenothiazine dye

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Article information

Article type
15 Jan 2016
04 Apr 2016
First published
07 Apr 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 6977-6980

Dye-sensitized photocatalytic hydrogen production: distinct activity in a glucose derivative of a phenothiazine dye

N. Manfredi, B. Cecconi, V. Calabrese, A. Minotti, F. Peri, R. Ruffo, M. Monai, I. Romero-Ocaña, T. Montini, P. Fornasiero and A. Abbotto, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 6977 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC00390G

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