Issue 15, 2016

On-line monitoring of ozonation through estimation of Ct value, bromate and AOC formation with UV/Vis spectrometry


The application of ozone in water treatment serves many purposes, such as disinfection and degradation of organic micro-pollutants. To optimise the applied ozone dosage by on-line control, real-time information on the actual Ct value, the bromate and assimilable organic carbon concentration (AOC) is necessary. With UV/Vis spectroscopy, algorithms have been developed for the on-line determination of the Ct-value and the formation of bromate and AOC during ozonation. It was shown that these algorithms allow for the calculation of the optimal ozone dosage and provide a reliable indication of the amount of bromate and AOC formed during ozonation.

Graphical abstract: On-line monitoring of ozonation through estimation of Ct value, bromate and AOC formation with UV/Vis spectrometry

Article information

Article type
17 Dec 2015
17 Mar 2016
First published
18 Mar 2016

Anal. Methods, 2016,8, 3148-3155

On-line monitoring of ozonation through estimation of Ct value, bromate and AOC formation with UV/Vis spectrometry

P. S. Ross, A. W. C. van der Helm, J. van den Broeke and L. C. Rietveld, Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 3148 DOI: 10.1039/C5AY03308J

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