Issue 12, 2015

Plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of carbon dots–silica hybrid mesoporous spheres


Ag-enhanced fluorescent carbon dot–silica hybrid mesoporous spheres (Ag-CDSiMs) with high surface areas (>300 m2 g−1) have been prepared by a facile process. The incorporation of the silver nanoparticles (NPs) at a concentration of 0.34 at% considerably improved the photoluminescence (PL) of these spheres. The enhancement factor (EF) was very sensitive to the excitation wavelength, and the largest EF (∼3.4-fold) appeared when applying an excitation wavelength of 370 nm. XPS measurements revealed that the incorporation of silver NPs led to an increase of the O binding energy, indicating that they selectively linked to the SiO2 domain using Ag–O bonds. In this case, the electron transfer between carbon dots and the Ag NPs became impossible, which induced an enhancement of the local electromagnetic field and a plasmon coupling effect between the SPR absorption of Ag NPs and emission of Ag-CDSiMs, along with enhancement of the luminescence of the carbon dots covalently bonded to the mesoporous SiO2.

Graphical abstract: Plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of carbon dots–silica hybrid mesoporous spheres

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Nov 2014
27 Jan 2015
First published
28 Jan 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 2881-2885

Plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of carbon dots–silica hybrid mesoporous spheres

Y. Liu, C. Liu, Z. Zhang, W. Yang and S. Nie, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 2881 DOI: 10.1039/C4TC02599G

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