Issue 41, 2015

Implications of TiO2 surface functionalization on polycrystalline mixed halide perovskite films and photovoltaic devices


We exploit TiO2 surface functionalization as a tool to induce the crystallization process of CH3NH3PbI3−xClx perovskite thin films resulting in a reduction of the degree of orientation of the (110) crystallographic planes. Notably, the variation of the film crystalline orientational order does not affect the photovoltaic performances of the perovskite-based devices, whose efficiency remains mostly unchanged. Our findings suggest that other factors are more significant in determining the device efficiency, such as the non-homogenous coverage of the TiO2 surface causing charge recombination at the organic/TiO2 interface, defect distribution on the perovskite bulk and at the interfaces, and transport in the organic or TiO2 layer. This observation represents a step towards the comprehension of the perovskite film peculiarities influencing the photovoltaic efficiency for high performance devices.

Graphical abstract: Implications of TiO2 surface functionalization on polycrystalline mixed halide perovskite films and photovoltaic devices

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2015
03 Sep 2015
First published
07 Sep 2015

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 20811-20818

Author version available

Implications of TiO2 surface functionalization on polycrystalline mixed halide perovskite films and photovoltaic devices

V. L. P. Guerra, D. Altamura, V. Trifiletti, S. Colella, A. Listorti, R. Giannuzzi, G. Pellegrino, G. G. Condorelli, C. Giannini, G. Gigli and A. Rizzo, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 20811 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA05220C

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