Issue 113, 2015

Greatly enhanced H2S sensitivity using defect-rich titanium oxide films


Defect-rich titanium oxide films were prepared using the laser ablation technique. The target pellet used for the ablation was rutile phase pure stoichiometric TiO2. X-ray photoelectron and synchrotron soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements have revealed the chemical composition of the films. Using 200 mJ of laser energy, the stoichiometric transfer of TiO2 from the target to the substrate was achieved. The films prepared using 500 mJ of laser energy were observed to be highly defect-rich with a composition of Ti/TiOx. The gas sensing characteristics of these films were tested. The unique defect-richness of the films favours the formation of excessive overlayers of chemisorbed oxygen on the surface of the films in large proportions as compared to the lattice oxygen, making the films rich in titanium forming Ti–Ti electronic bonds, producing a great enhancement in the sensitivity toward highly toxic H2S gas.

Graphical abstract: Greatly enhanced H2S sensitivity using defect-rich titanium oxide films

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Article information

Article type
21 Sep 2015
21 Oct 2015
First published
22 Oct 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 93081-93088

Author version available

Greatly enhanced H2S sensitivity using defect-rich titanium oxide films

T. C. Jagadale, V. Prasad, N. S. Ramgir, C. Prajapat, U. V. Patil, A. Debnath, D. K. Aswal and S. K. Gupta, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 93081 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA19426A

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