Issue 90, 2015

Single-protein-based theranostic nanosystem within sub-10 nm scale for tumor imaging and therapy


A single-protein-based theranostic nanosystem (SPTN) based on non-covalent interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA), gadolinium (Gd) and the anticancer hydrophobic drug doxorubicin (DOX) was designed and developed via a facile, environmentally benign approach. Gd was incorporated into the structure of BSA via a simple biomineralization process, while DOX was encapsulated in Gd–BSA nanoparticles via hydrophobic interaction between DOX and BSA, as well as a coordination effect between DOX and Gd. The whole SPTN system was kept in one single BSA molecule to form a single protein based nanosystem with an overall size of around 7 nm favorable for potential renal clearance. The SPTN nanosystem showed not only robust biocompatibility, excellent T1-weighted MR imaging effect but also fine pH-responsive drug release characteristics. Furthermore, in vivo therapeutic efficacy experiment showed that the nanoparticle DOX–Gd–BSA had an obvious therapeutic efficacy toward hepatoma tumor bearing mice.

Graphical abstract: Single-protein-based theranostic nanosystem within sub-10 nm scale for tumor imaging and therapy

Article information

Article type
30 Jun 2015
21 Aug 2015
First published
24 Aug 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 73752-73759

Single-protein-based theranostic nanosystem within sub-10 nm scale for tumor imaging and therapy

Y. Li, L. Zheng, H. Dong and Y. Li, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 73752 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA12648G

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