Issue 115, 2015

Mechanistic investigation on up and down conversion of Er3+ and Gd3+ co-doped YTiNbO6 phosphors


YTiNbO6 phosphors doped with Er3+, Gd3+ were synthesized via a facile sol–gel and combustion approach. The crystal structure and particle morphology were characterized and the phonon energy was investigated in detail. The up-conversion emission excited at 980 nm and down-conversion emission excited at 378 nm of Er3+ with different concentrations were analysed. They both have strong green emission peaks at 522 and 552 nm but the red emission peak at 668 nm only appears in the up-conversion. Furthermore, the Er3+ quenching concentration for up-conversion is higher than that for down-conversion because the up-conversion is a complex multiple stepwise process which includes energy transfer, phonon-assisted energy transfer and excited state absorption that can cover a wider range of Er3+ doping concentrations. Moreover, the influence of co-doped Gd3+ on the morphology and particle size was also explored. Gd3+ had a great effect on the up and down conversion emission intensity as well as the decay time of up-conversion by changing the structure distortion, vibration frequencies and surface defects.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic investigation on up and down conversion of Er3+ and Gd3+ co-doped YTiNbO6 phosphors

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Article information

Article type
17 Jun 2015
20 Oct 2015
First published
20 Oct 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 94607-94614

Author version available

Mechanistic investigation on up and down conversion of Er3+ and Gd3+ co-doped YTiNbO6 phosphors

Z. Yu, G. Zhou, J. Zhou, H. Zhou, P. Kong, Y. Wu, H. Huang, X. Yu, X. Zhang and R. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 94607 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA11603A

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