Issue 57, 2015

Ultra-high uptake and selective adsorption of organic dyes with a novel polyoxomolybdate-based organic–inorganic hybrid compound


A novel organic–inorganic hybrid compound, (4-Hap)4[Mo8O26] (4-ap = 4-aminopyridine) (1), was synthesized via a hydrothermal method, and utilized to conduct adsorptive uptake of typical organic dyes, in which some key parameters of dye adsorption were investigated. The results revealed that compound 1 demonstrated rapid adsorption of methylene blue (MB) with ultra-high efficiency and capacity, as well as achieving rapid and highly selective adsorption of MB from MB/MO (MO = methyl orange) and MB/RhB (RhB = rhodamine B) mixtures.

Graphical abstract: Ultra-high uptake and selective adsorption of organic dyes with a novel polyoxomolybdate-based organic–inorganic hybrid compound

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Article information

Article type
25 Apr 2015
15 May 2015
First published
15 May 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 45688-45692

Author version available

Ultra-high uptake and selective adsorption of organic dyes with a novel polyoxomolybdate-based organic–inorganic hybrid compound

Y. Zhang, C. Wang, T. Zhu, P. Wang and S. Gao, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 45688 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA07513K

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