Issue 64, 2015

Iron/acetic acid mediated synthesis of 6,7-dihydrodibenzo[b,j][1,7]phenanthroline derivatives via intramolecular reductive cyclization


An efficient iron/acetic acid mediated intramolecular reductive cyclization protocol for the synthesis of novel 6,7-dihydrodibenzo[b,j][1,7]phenanthroline derivatives is described. In this two-step procedure, aldol addition and reductive cyclization methods are effectively utilized for the construction of C–C and C–N bonds. This highly efficient process proceeds under mild conditions, tolerates different functional groups, and provides various substituted 6,7-dihydrodibenzo[b,j][1,7]phenanthroline derivatives in good to excellent yields. In addition, various synthetic utilities of these derivatives are also described.

Graphical abstract: Iron/acetic acid mediated synthesis of 6,7-dihydrodibenzo[b,j][1,7]phenanthroline derivatives via intramolecular reductive cyclization

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Article information

Article type
10 Apr 2015
08 Jun 2015
First published
08 Jun 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 52141-52153

Author version available

Iron/acetic acid mediated synthesis of 6,7-dihydrodibenzo[b,j][1,7]phenanthroline derivatives via intramolecular reductive cyclization

R. R. Rajawinslin, S. S. Ichake, V. Kavala, S. D. Gawande, Y. Huang, C. Kuo and C. Yao, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 52141 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA06395G

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