Issue 4, 2015

Oxidative C–S bond cleavage reaction of DMSO for C–N and C–C bond formation: new Mannich-type reaction for β-amino ketones


A novel oxidative C–S bond cleavage reaction of DMSO for N-methylation and subsequent C–C bond formation is described. A series of aryl ketones as well as acetone derivatives could be selectively converted into the corresponding β-amino ketones. Mechanistic studies suggested that N-methylation between imine and DMSO was involved in the reaction.

Graphical abstract: Oxidative C–S bond cleavage reaction of DMSO for C–N and C–C bond formation: new Mannich-type reaction for β-amino ketones

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Article information

Article type
09 Oct 2014
26 Nov 2014
First published
26 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 3094-3097

Author version available

Oxidative C–S bond cleavage reaction of DMSO for C–N and C–C bond formation: new Mannich-type reaction for β-amino ketones

K. Sun, Y. Lv, Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, H. Wu, L. Liu, Y. Jiang, B. Xiao and X. Wang, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 3094 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA14249G

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