Issue 19, 2015

A porous polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane in a gas humidification process


A porous polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane was fabricated via a dry–wet phase inversion process. The membrane was characterized by measuring the pore size, porosity and LEPw. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of finger-like macrovoids in the cross-section of the membrane, which contributed to the reduction of tortuosity. The fabricated membrane was further applied in gas humidification. It was found that the water flux was increased by an increase in the gas and liquid flow rates and temperature but reduced by an increase in gas pressure. The water flux of the fabricated membrane exhibited a gas humidification performance superior to a commercial humidifier, e.g. it has 380% higher water flux than the Perma Pure®1 model PH-60T-24SS at Tliquid = 40 °C.

Graphical abstract: A porous polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane in a gas humidification process

Article information

Article type
09 Nov 2014
23 Dec 2014
First published
23 Dec 2014

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 14448-14457

Author version available

A porous polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane in a gas humidification process

Gh. Bakeri, S. Naeimifard, T. Matsuura and A. F. Ismail, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 14448 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA14180F

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