Issue 38, 2015

Hydroxy-telechelic poly(ethylene-co-isobutylene) as a soft segment for thermoplastic polyurethanes


Facile preparation of linear amorphous hydroxy-telechelic poly(ethylene-co-isobutylene) (PEIB) was enabled by ROMP of a new monomer, (Z)-5,5-dimethylcyclooct-1-ene (Me2COE). Control of the equivalent isobutylene content and the resulting thermal properties was accomplished via copolymerization with COE. The applicability as a prepolymer was demonstrated by the synthesis of a tough, elastic and free-standing polyurethane film.

Graphical abstract: Hydroxy-telechelic poly(ethylene-co-isobutylene) as a soft segment for thermoplastic polyurethanes

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Article information

Article type
27 Jun 2015
17 Aug 2015
First published
24 Aug 2015

Polym. Chem., 2015,6, 6806-6811

Author version available

Hydroxy-telechelic poly(ethylene-co-isobutylene) as a soft segment for thermoplastic polyurethanes

Y. Wang and M. A. Hillmyer, Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 6806 DOI: 10.1039/C5PY00990A

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